The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are blooming. Yeah, it's that time of year. This can only mean one thing for the four girls on Storey St, enjoying the small pleasures that Santa Cruz has to offer. It's seems as though we find it increasingly more difficult to sit in a lecture hall for 3+ hours. But, we can't complain much when we take in the scenic ocean view while dodging families of deer roaming the campus on the walk through the vast
forest on the way to our next class. In the midst of our heavy academic schedules, 3 of us have managed to find the time for a class that comes as a breath of fresh air. The class is called Living Sustainably which is a student run class put on by the Education for
Sustainable Living Program (
ESLP), it offers students an opportunity to learn about and apply sustainable living methods to the university campus and the city of Santa Cruz.
Before we dove head first into the program with ideas of tackling administrative rules and reforming the entire system, we decided to take a step back and start at the beginning. To preach and advocate sustainable living means that we need to live and practice greener lives. So here is our mission: conserve water, conserve energy, save money, eat local and vegetarian, decrease our waste and overall carbon footprint.
But don't let us have all the fun! Follow along and we can make the change together.
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