
Vegetarianism is a personal choice and one that should thoroughly be researched in order to be able to fully commit to it in a healthy way. I'm not here to preach vegetarianism but I will say that it is a positive lifestyle change that can help the environment and your personal well being when done right. I did research on the subject before I made my decision and found many many positive results. For one, different people follow different forms of vegetarianism, choose the one that's right for you.

Full Vegetarian- Eats no meat of any kind.
Semi-Vegetarian- Eats fish and maybe a small amount of pultry but sustains a diet made up mostly of vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, and nuts.
Pescaterian- Eats fish but no pultry or red meat.
Veganism- Excludes all animal flesh and animal products, including milk, honey, eggs.
Raw veganism- Includes only fresh and uncooked fruit, nuts, seeds, and vegetables

One thing to remember is that you can't simply eliminate meat from your diet without substituting it with the vitamins, minerals, and protein you are losing. The top five nutrients most vegetarians lack are

protein (consume wheat, soy,nuts, and beans)
iron (consume more plan iron and avoid absorption inhibitors such as coffee)
zinc (consume plenty of soybeans, cashews, and sunflower seed)
calcium (consume plenty of soy yogurt, almonds, and other calcium fortified foods)
vitamin b-12 (consume vitamin b-12 fortified foods such as soy milk and eggs)

After considering the vegetarian option that's right for you and making sure you get the proper intake of nutrients, here are some of the wonderful benefits you may reap:

  • A healthier mind, body, soul, and planet
  • More energy
  • Healthier skin
  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Longer life expectancy
  • Save Money
  • Conservation of non-renewable resources
  • Conservation of water
  • A stance against factory farming
These are just a few benefits, there's many more!

Mmmmm Spinach and Feta Pasta! 100% delicious and 100% vegetarian.
Make it yourself!

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